Member Requirements

Dress code

Every member must wear his/her University Ambassador polo shirt, khaki pants, and nametag for all events and tours. The following items are not acceptable to wear on a tour: jeans, hats, Greek letters or the symbol of any other student organization. At times the Office of Admissions may approve special exceptions to the standard dress code. (i.e. khaki shorts/capris are acceptable on hot days)


Dues are paid each semester and are collected to support University Ambassadors activities. Some of these activities include: End-of-the-Year Recognition Banquet, Ambassador of the Month Awards, and occasional social activities such as bowling, etc. Dues are $15 each semester until the deadline announced by the Treasurer. Late fees and/or a strike may be given at the discretion of the Treasurer after the deadline has passed.


University Ambassadors are the tour guides for Missouri State University. Ambassadors are required to give at least eight tours a semester. If a member cannot give a tour that he/she signed up for, then he/she is responsible for finding a replacement guide. Tours given over the summer break will count for the fall semester if the tour guide is not working at the Campus Visit Desk that summer. Tours given over the winter break will count towards the spring semester if the tour guide is not working at the Campus Visit Desk over the break. Failure to meet this requirement during any semester will result in an automatic review at the end of the semester. 

Required events

  • Showcase — Fall Showcase held in early October, Spring Showcase held in April
  • Holiday Happenings — traditionally held on the first Saturday in December
  • New member interviews — traditionally held in late January
  • New member retreat — held a few weeks after interviews


If a member fails to attend an event that he/she signed up for or a mandatory event, then he/she will receive a strike. This includes tours, meetings, and special events. If a member finds a replacement for the event, he/she must notify the president or vice-president of the change or the strike will be given to the person who originally signed up for the event. A strike can be issued for missing a meeting and not having an excuse. The Executive Board may also issue strikes for behavior unbecoming of an Ambassador. The secretary tabulates strikes by semester. If a member accumulates three strikes, the Executive Board will ask him/her to resign. In this case, the member may appeal to the Executive Board.


The advisor and the Executive Board will reevaluate each member at the end of each semester. If a member has not satisfactorily performed as a University Ambassador, the Executive Board may dismiss him/her. Criteria for reevaluation will include the number of strikes, number of missed meetings, and overall attitude of the member. Required GPA (minimum 2.5) will be checked on a semester basis.